Risk Factors and Risk Reduction
Risk factors of Alzheimer’s disease
- Age – After the age of 65, the risk for Alzheimer’s doubles every 5 years
- Family History – Those who have an immediate relative are more likely to develop the
disease - Genetics – There are certain genes that influence whether or not an individual is likely to
develop the disease - Head Injury – There is a link between head injury and future risk of developing disease
- Heart-Head Connection – The heart is responsible for pumping blood through blood
vessels to the brain causing a link between brain health and heart health
Ways to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease
- Eating healthy by limiting the intake of sugar and saturated fat as well as eating plenty
of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Two diets that have been studied and could be
beneficial are the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet and the
Mediterranean diet. Both emphasize fruits and vegetables, whole grain, fish and nuts - Staying socially active by maintaining strong social connections. For example, pursue
social activities that are meaningful to you, such as volunteering or planning activities
with family and friends - Avoid tobacco and excessive alcohol
- Regularly exercising can be beneficial by increasing blood flow. Exercise doesn’t have to
be strenuous; adding a daily walk into your routine can be very beneficial - Mentally stimulating activities and cognitive training, such as completing a jigsaw
puzzles, playing card games that make you think strategically, or taking a class at a local
college, community center, or online - Keep blood pressure at healthy levels by exercising, reducing the amount of sodium in
your diet, and reducing your stress - Avoiding head traumas by protecting your head. For example, you can decrease your
chances of head injuries by wearing a seatbelt and using a helmet when needed