The Michigan Center for Contextual Factors in Alzheimer’s Disease (MCCFAD) is the collaborative effort between University of Michigan, Michigan State University and Wayne State University. The Center is based on the campuses of the University of Michigan and Michigan State University. MCCFAD is one of the Alzheimer’s disease-focused Centers coordinated by the Resource Centers for Minority Aging Research (AD-RCMAR) and it is funded by the National Institute on Aging. MCCFAD aims to foster and enhance innovative research in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) with long term goals to:

  1. Advance ADRD-relevant social and behavioral science research in underserved and underrepresented communities.
  2. Diversify the research workforce dedicated to healthy aging.

The Center aims to achieve those goals by:

  • Advancing ADRD-relevant disparities research in epidemiology, health economics and culturally-sensitive care.
  • Recruiting and mentoring 15 Research Scientists from the Alzheimer’s sector of the Resource Centers for Minority Aging through professional publications and independent research applications and funding.
  • Connecting with African American, Arab American and Latino communities to broaden understanding of intra- and inter-cultural factors affecting participation in ADRD research.

Our research, training and community-based activities are implemented through four interacting components: the Administrative Core, the Research and Educational Core, the Analytic Core, and the Community Liason and Recruitment Core.

The MCCFAD is funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) grant P30AG059300.


Dr. Kristine Ajrouch

Dr. Kristine Ajrouch


Administrative Core Lead

Dr. Toni Antonucci

Dr. Toni Antonucci


Administrative Core Co-Lead

Dr. Laura Zahodne

Dr. Laura Zahodne


Administrative Core Co-Lead

Dr. Irving Vega

Dr. Irving Vega

MCCFAD Faculty

Community Liaison and Recruitment Core Co-Lead
Dr. Noah Webster

Dr. Noah Webster

MCCFAD Faculty

Analytic Core Co-Lead

Dr. Richard Gonzalez

Dr. Richard Gonzalez

MCCFAD Faculty

Analytic Core Lead

Dr. Wassim Tarraf

Dr. Wassim Tarraf

MCCFAD Faculty

Community Liaison and Recruitment Core Co-Lead
Dr. Sheria Robinson-Lane

Dr. Sheria Robinson-Lane

MCCFAD Faculty

Research and Education Core Co-Lead and Culturally Sensitive Care Area Expert

Dr. HwaJung Choi

Dr. HwaJung Choi

MCCFAD Faculty

Research and Education Core Co-Lead and Health Economics Area Expert

Dr. Lindsay Kobayashi

Dr. Lindsay Kobayashi

MCCFAD Faculty

Area Expert/Epidemiology

Dr. Lindsay Ryan

Dr. Lindsay Ryan

MCCFAD Faculty

Area Expert/Data Resource

Dina Charara

Dina Charara

MCCFAD Team Member

Project Coordinator

Donna Jawad

Donna Jawad

MCCFAD Team Member

Outreach Coordinator
Ana Ramos

Ana Ramos

MCCFAD Team Member

Outreach Coordinator

Contact Us

Michigan Center for Contextual Factors in Alzheimer’s Disease
Institute for Social Research
University of Michigan
426 Thompson St.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106
[email protected]

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